Endless Motel

Check in check out, Highway 15, Exit 202, check in check out, US69.99 plus TAX, check in check out, King, Queen or Double bed, check in check out, smoking or nonsmoking room, check in check out, complimentary morning coffee, free wifi, check in check out, cable tv, hbo, check in check out, vending machine, ice machine, down the hall, check in check out, check in check out, check in check out… USA check in, check out.

Posteado hace 12 años
TAGS: check in, check out, endless, estados unidos, motel

July 29, 2012Wow, very movading (no pun intended!) story. Stuff, vs Money, vs Friends.… I am makading frdines for the first time in 20 years and I love it, it is meanadingadful. I prayed for frdines and all of a sudadden in 2 weeks I have some amazading new peoadple in mya0life. You have to not be afraid to reach out, peoadple all want frdines. Look for some groups to join. I actuadally went online lookading for group theradapy places and found an orgaadniadzaadtion that is aweadsome, they are all over the counadtry, peradhaps where you are, called meetups.com– Peoadple start groups that do things, medadiadtate, art, hike, dinadner, movies, they are not sinadgles groups although they do have those too. Check it out, and maybe start your own. You can do this, you are creadative, honadest, smart and sinadcere, who wouldn’t want a friend like that? Hugs to you, and I will pray for you as well that this can work for you.a0xoxo

Comentado hace 10 años
