
La Salinera de Maras, en el Valle Sagrado, fue construida por el pueblo de los Chanpata, una cultura pre incaica, entre el 200 dC y el 900 dC. Se encuentra en un costado de la montaña Qaqawiñay y está conformada por unos 3000 pozos  con un área promedio de 5 m².

Actualmente, la salinera todavía funciona durante la temporada seca gracias a un manantial natural de agua salada que se encuentra en su parte más alta. El agua corre naturalmente por pequeños canales que bajan por la montaña llenando los pozos. El proceso de evaporación dura más o menos un mes, dejando un volumen de sal sólida de 10 cm de alto. La sal es golpeada y granulada, recolectada, iodada y embolsada manualmente por casi 200 familias indígenas de la región, que la venden principalmente en los mercados de la zona.

Posteado hace 12 años
TAGS: chanpata, maras, montaña, peru, pozos, qaqawiñay, sal, salinera, tierra, valle sagrado

I am not so sure what employers are looknig for anymore I have been looknig for work for four years now and am just about out of my mind as to what to do. I am willing to go to school for new career training, in fact I have already graduating with a 3.98 gpa, I put others before myself, i love to multitask and will give extra of myself and time with no extra compensation. The only thing that may be against me is my age. I have much experience din many areas of life and am anxious to work I am an Only parent trying to keep our househole afloat being this I have to be organized every day of my life .What are employers looknig for? My interview skills may not be up to par amd I have a hard time bragging on myself I would just rather prove I can do the job I hear that it helps to know someone from within the company.What am I supposed to do. My family and I need to live too and mine is the only income coming in. We are three that need to live and I am an excellent, dedicated person what am I supposed to do here? I take so much advise that I am now going crazy as to what to know to do anymore. It is hard enough to lose a job and look for a new one but all doors are being shut on me and I do not know what to do or where to go from here.

Comentado hace 9 años
